
Cameron Nazemi

Welcome to my Github Page!

My favorite quote:

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. - Steve Jobs

I’m an aspiring Software Engineer and develop apps that are now on the App Store! Here is a link to those: Cameron’s Apps.

Check out this funny CS MEME!

This is my first Github Pages and to do it, I had to use git operations such as:

git clone
git add
git branch
git commit
git push

Using these operations help refresh my mind on version control! Anyways back to me…

A little about me:

I’m a junior Computer Science student who is very passionate about software engineering and development. I’m seeking to apply the Computer Science skills developed during my experiences to help improve the world we live in.

My hobbies:

My priorities:

  1. Family
  2. School
  3. Job
  4. Extracurriculars

Life Goals: